Canid Roots

A Dog's Life

Case Study




Our pets are becoming more and more important to us but the food industry hasn’t evolved to keep pace.

That’s why Canid Roots came to be: to help create a better world for pets through its high-quality pet food.

As a design company, we feel it is great to have the chance to present designs that best suit a company's goals and your style.

For that reason, whenever we present someone with a new Visual Identity System, we at Copa like to walk our clients through a journey of what that actually looks like. It's an opportunity for us as guides to showcase what we are capable of creating and an opportunity for our clients to envision their future.

And with Canid Roots we looked forward to helping bring pets and their owners closer together like never before.

This is Canid Roots' friendly mascot — obviously named Bubba — and he will always be where his favorite recipe goes.

We also created five icons that show a wide flavor offering. Bubba seems very happy about that.

True Colors.

We have chosen a wide range of colors to show variations on the packaging as well as stand out amidst other dog food offerings. You won't see any of these colors on kibble packaging but they will be seen and reminded from Canid Roots.

From the slick and formal Canid Navy to the soft pink of Canid Pork passing through the bright Canid Gold, we have a strong set of colors to build a strong, distinct, and memorable Visual Identity.

Canid Navy
Canid Gold
Canid Greens
Canid Pork
Canid Meat
Canid Coral

Last Thoughts.

Creating a logo for Canid Roots was a great experience in exploring ways to promote dog food that doesn't appeal to the wild factor nor the pedigree feel.

We created a visual identity system that is attractive in its simplicity yet has a wide color range and icons to help make a strong first impression on your clients be they current or new ones.

The simple icons and the careful choice of colors show both a strong attention to detail as well as a made by hand feel that together with the font show great care.

From purchase to unboxing inserts and label reading, Canid Roots is going to deliver a great experience both for the dogs and their owners.